14 April 2011

Icon Workshop: Part 2

Well its taken me some time to get to this second phase of the Workshop...

The entire work.

The "Morning has broken" section with some words to inspire.

The "Lady with bird" section... she still needs some work - but I like her softness between all the hard lines around her. The diamond windows are gold leaf stuck on pieces of double sided tape...
I need to incorporate some silver in this panel to link the Morning and Evening schenes...

"Evening has come" is filled with silver stars and a moon that looks like it has melted somewhat... There is still some silver detail missing from this panel.

04 April 2011

Icon Workshop: On the day

This is the result of an Icon Workshop presented by Artisticjourney.co.za. Its a work in progress and I will keep you posted...

The work is mixed media on board.

The entire work... I have since added a bit of gold enamel detail...
The evening scene still requires some stars and a bright silver moon...

The morning scene... I am contemplaiting adding a coffee pot to sow how i start my day...

My lady with the feet... She will be holding a bird in her hand and over the halo she will wear a crown of flowers...